Dear Sir/ Madam
“The Sun is a daily reminder that we
too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light”
2nd All India Conference of
Confederation of Central Government Gazetted Officers Organisations (CCGGOO)
12th & 13th October 2018 at “Pothigai”
Auditorium, Income Tax Office, Nungambakkam High Road, Chennai.
Women Officers' Convention is also
slated to be held on 12th October in the same venue
"My fellow Gazetted Officers...
To defend your rights & Old
Pension Scheme
To protect against indiscriminate
application of Rule 56J
To oppose indiscreet workload
To fill up the prolonged vacancies
To get the respectable Pay Level
To Get Bonus
To Get Grievance Redressal Machinery
To Get Anomaly Committee
To remove the “Very Good” Bench Mark
To uphold our Self respect from
the indifferent attitude & treatment of authorities.
Attend en masse with enthusiasm and
make the Conference a Grand Success to immune, protect ourselves from
everything against us and to achieve everything due to us
Women Officers….
participate massively to form a shield
against the challenges in the officialdom and to make the women Officers'
convention "A milestone success"
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