Monday, 7 August 2017

Ist Conference of AIPCOC

Dear Sir,

1st Conference of All Public Sector Officers and Confederation of Central Government Gazetted Officers Organizations was held on 5th August at K.Sitaram Hall, SBIOA Junior College, Anna Nagar West Chennai in order to make the Government to hear our voice. More than 600 delegates were participated from various Public Sector Undertakings, Public Sector Banks and Central Government departments. 24 resolutions were unanimously passed including the resolutions to constitute a suitable grievance redressal machinery to  Central Govt Gazetted officers, to remove the criteria of Very Good bench mark for promotion and other financial upgradation, to scrap New Pension Scheme and to stop indiscriminate invoking of  Compulsory Retirement under rule FR 56J on Gazetted Officers in the Conference. Various agitation programs have been chalked out to save the public Sector.


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